one day in France

By Frenchtoast

In the bunker

Today we had a day out with a group we haven’t met before, and visited the German U-boat officers bunker in La Rochelle. It was really interesting, and nicely cool underground as it was a very hot and humid day.
Then we all wandered back to the port, got the solar powered boat across the harbour and had lunch on a ship formerly used as a weather station. 
The photo shows the WW2 mayor of La Rochelle who refused to take down the French flag and replace it with the German flag on the town hall, the first act of resistance in the town. Of course he paid for that with his life.
A German submariners uniform, the local resistance group, and a contract worker who infiltrated the U-boat pens with a roll of wallpaper hoping to swap it for top secret plans. I couldn’t find anything which told of the outcome of that, but maybe I just missed it as there was so much to see and so many people there.
Maybe we’ll go back one day when there aren’t so many tourists in town as it was very busy and hot today.

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