A lonely lady

Or naked lady for that matter.
It is the only one that came up this year out of six bulbs.

A gardening day , a day to be happy. No appointments, only good news from the mammogram, and apparently enough time to do little tasks in my unorganized way here and there. The last digging of potatoes brought another 30 , big and small. I want to get that bed ready for some fall cover crops.amazing how anything could have been growing in soil that is totally dry half a yard deep.
The Italian plum tree also gave a nice harvest: enough plums for a cake: 1352 grams. Now there will be only the apples to be harvested soon and they are looking amazingly nice this year. Very surprising after five years of apples that had been tainted by fungus and were full of worms inside. Must be the change in climate, for once a positive outcome.

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