...with a touch of pareidolia thrown in!  I have many little indulgences, chocolate being the main one, as many of you know - and I do confess that I am a chocoholic - but this is something entirely different!

I wonder if you can guess what this is?

Well, it’s a motor capacitor - or a starting motor - and it's the offending object from our tumble drier, which the lovely man from Hale Skills changed for us today - so my tumble drier is now working well again and it was much cheaper than buying a new one.  

I have never been very keen on pegging out the washing, and even more so since my back issues, and I have to say that the towels and other clothing dried on the rack in the sun were horrible and in fact, will probably be tumbled before they are used.

I tried the “keeping the light on” trick again last night and it worked - I slept until 6.45, which is great, although the pain hasn’t yet subsided in my leg at 12.45 p.m., but I'm able to cope with it - at least for a while so perhaps I will have a nap this afternoon while Mr. HCB is doing his jigsaw puzzle.

Thank you again for all your lovely comments, stars, hearts, prayers and uplifting and encouraging words - I did love the comment from Simonslife yesterday that said “I think chicken farmers do something similar with their chickens ;-)”. I know I’m not a spring chicken, but I’m a tough old bird and will get there eventually!

Love to you all.  M xx 

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