TINY BUBBLES.....IN THE POOL! Apologies to Don Ho

How many of us have done the same thing through our nose while swimming or through a straw into a glass of something or other?  It's a hot day in Wisconsin...may even set a record high temp for this day.  How hot is it?  DAMN HOT!
Imagine having a fur coat like this Griz at the zoo in MIlwaukee and having to deal with excessively warm air.  There's only one way....get in the pool and blow some bubbles to amuse yourself and take your mind off the heat.
Weather front coming through later tonight with some relief on the way.  High temps for the weekend are predicted to be 20°to 25° F. lower than today.  Good news....I'll be at the track for the big Ferrari Weekend and I don't deal well with hot weather and high humidity.
Best in Large.

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