Silver Wedding

Today is our silver wedding anniversary. We opened our cards this morning then went downstairs to a continental breakfast (pastries, meat, fruit & cheese…is that what Italians eat for breakfast?) we decided to have a good look round Matera and walked many thousands of steps around the narrow winding streets, cobbled paths and up and down hundreds of steps. It’s not a place to visit if you’re at all doddery as the marble steps and paths have been worn to a smooth finish over the years and we found ourselves slipping around and flailing around several times. Every so often you come across a pretty square, usually with a church (there are hundreds here) the sort of place you’d find Daniel Craig shooting up baddies in his bullet proof Aston Martin.
I tried puréed fava beans and chicory for lunch as I’d seen it on lots of menus. It seems to be a traditional local dish and was delicious. We wandered around for a bit longer then went back to our hotel to rest our poor feet and get ready for dinner.
As we came out this evening, the wind was blowing again and it was even spitting with rain. I’m sure this was especially for us as a nod to the torrential rain we experienced on our wedding day, 25 years ago.
After a couple of cocktails we found a restaurant to eat in. It wasn’t amazing but the wine was fantastic.
It’s been a good visit to Matera but I’m looking forward to a few days lounging by a pool with my kindle.

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