Going down the only road I've ever known

I walked at Lunchtime today. 

i walked around the grassed, treed, and walled-in part opposite our office  It's one kilometer around. 

We received planning permission last year probably this time last year, and last month the started work. 

I laughed when I looked over the gate.   Tonka Hill.  It brought back a rush of memories. 

When I was younger, our road was the last road, before fields, and  a factory.  There was  a rought field towards the railway line, and "my field", across the road, and up to the railway  line on the other side, and as far as the factory at the top. 

That field was my playground.  I could quiite happily potter around there all day.   Collecting butterflies, grasshoppers, caterpilars.  Looking down rabbit holes.  Making dens. 

Everything changed when planning permission was granted for new houses on the "other field".   That didn't bother me too much.  It was a whin and hole covered field.  But oh no.   Where did they build their site offices.  

On My field. 

Pride of place was "Tonka" Hill.  All the soil scraped  back  to leave space for their stupid offices. 

That bloody hill brought kids from near and far.  Places that I didn't like, kids that I didn't like.  a bit wild and a bit dirty.  But this was my place, and I was tolerated on the outskirts.  

I'd watch as they scrambled up Tonka Hill dragging bikes with them, and then skidding down the hills, they'd tie ropes around themselves, and six or eight folk would hold the rope and drop their friends over the side. 

Oh my goodness. I wasn't brave or gallus enough to join in,  i'd just sit on the kerb and watch.  these kids scared me. 

They even had a Summer Holiday Club - Education  Department people trying to herd the kids together.  They based it on Tonka hill.  Imagine advertising a Local Club "Meet at Tonka Hill 10am ".  Pft. 

I have already seen kids lifting their bikes over the gate - i Imagine the same sort of thing is happening here. 

Poor Rabbits.  That's all I have to say. 

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