Alien invasion

This morning I started on a new adventure - I am learning how to run. With a very lovely app and Daisy came too.Apparently in 5 weeks I will be able to just run for 20 minutes, it all sounds very unlikely but quite exciting. I hope Daisy sticks with it, it is much nicer with her there.

After the crazy running start of the day, into town for a wander and a spot of lunch. And then I went completely mental following the wardrobe excitement of yesterday and came home to iron clothes that I had no immediate plans to wear. I dont know how long this clothes sorting and ironing malarky is going to last - maybe I have been invaded by aliens.

Down to the beach for the end of the day when I reverted to form and shouted at the children for the constant bickering and fighting. Will got a bit of kite flying in before that though.

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