A Sunshiny Day

This is my view from the Dower House this morning and this particular tree with the blue sky above reminds me of the south of France. It might also be hotter than the south of France and I’m not complaining.

The heat and sunshine triggered my domestic and gardening goddess switch which meant another bed clothes wash and more importantly a comprehensive cleaning of the patio. This was not a surface brush of accumulated leaves but an intensive destruction of cobwebs and spiders  behind plant tubs and lurking in corners and in implement containers. It was pretty disgusting but with no deputy, I had no alternative but to bite the bullet myself. Several large spiders have now found themselves homeless and the unlucky ones have had to learn to swim in the outside drain.

I also gave the hydrangea and the grape vine haircuts so that I could see out of two windows. 
All the while, the sun shone and the gardener mowed the grass noisily sitting on his machine wearing ear defenders while another one strimmed the edges of all the paths wearing his ear defenders and another one with a blower and also wearing ear defenders cleared all the paths of grass cuttings. I was not wearing ear defenders -it was very noisy! 
 Now they’ve gone,  all I hear is the chatter of sunbathers over the railings in the Meadows as I watch the shadows lengthening. It may feel like high summer but the nights are certainly drawing in.

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