White on White

White rice in a shiny white bowl with window reflection adding interest : )

The day started well, I got up at the normal (work) time because I couldnt sleep beyond that time, a habit which will be hard to break.  It was quite a cold morning but I was enjoying the thought of the free day unfolding around me as I enjoyed breakfast and a cup of tea. 

Toto was confused and so around 9am I managed to stop lazing around and got myself dressed and organized to take him for a walk as the rain had stopped.

By the time we got down to the office (we live above the office) husband was in a total flap as our other tech guy had taken a planned day off and the new girl had called in sick!! EEEEEEeeek!!  
My heart sank as I felt compelled to say would you like me to step in for a few hours? 
He thanked me and said oh yes please life saver!!  
So there I was until around 3pm.  It wasnt the day I expected but it wasnt too bad all things considered.  Lets hope she shows up tomorrow!!!

I might add that Toto got his walk before I settled into the old routine again!! : ).

Thanks to Kersti for hosting Mono Monday : )x

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