Strike that. Reverse it!


Daisy, Daisy, give me your answer do!

We arrived at the lodge on holiday, Yay!!!! The suns shining, the journey was great , very short too, check in went very smoothly. Let the holiday commence :0)

We quickly unpacked the car then went for a walk around to get our bearings. Paul and I have been going to Centreparcs for at least 15 years now. We usually go at least once a year, however, we always to the the Lake District at Whinfell. The boys love it there and call it the bunny rabbit holiday. Mikey named it this when he was about 18months and its stuck since then. This year we are trying Sherwood Forest Centre parcs. Its a bit of a risk as we know how much we love Whinfell. So far so good though, everythings slightly different but not terrible.

We had our first centre parcs BBQ as well today. No idea why we've never had one before but it was great. Tommy and I sat in the sun making daisy chains while the food cooked, perfect start to our week.

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