What a perfect end to the day - a sunflower in the sun in the field!
Shame the rest of the day was a bit of a bummer! I was on the way to the field in the morning for a playdate for Oscar with Ivy! I was so excited but also a little trepidatious. I'd spoken to John and he was going to put a chair right by the gate so I didn't have to walk in the field. He would also pick up the poo and leave first. What could go wrong?!! Well I found that out when the owner of the field called me on my mobile. (Before you tell me off for using my mobile in the car it's linked to my car so handsfree! ) wanted to change the time of the Wednesday session in the field to accommodate the woman who usually came after us. As she was talking a car didn't give way to me as it should as the cars were parked on her side of the road. I shouted at her " Seriously woman!" and then realised the field owner probably thought I was talking to her! Oh did I ever feel embarrassed at her hearing my road rage! I apologised and explained which is when she realised I was driving - which is when she informed me I'd missed the playdate as I'd got the wrong time! I was gutted! Seems I am a woman of habit - 11 is our usual time and I forgot that today it was an hour earlier!
I decided to walk Oscar along the road to the church rather than trying to book another field - it's flat and wide so plenty of room if I should meet another dog. Oh dear bad decision - I limped badly and it was painful! Never made it to the church! I think it was because I was walking on tarmac - I'd limp on the field but by concentrating I could minimise the amount I did so. The unforgiving tarmac didn't allow this. I remember doing the Moonwalk marathon in London and having the same reaction - we'd done our training mostly cross country and on coastal walks - didn't even think that walking on tarmac would be a whole other experience! So now I must build it into my exercise routine. On the days I use the field with Ivy I will walk the church road in the eve. As long as Oscar gets a pee he won't mind if it's a short walk! I can also track my progress as to how far I can get each time - when I make it to the church I will be ecstatic - as long as I factor in having to walk back to my car! I have to drive even though it's only a couple of minutes away from the village as it is up a steep hill and there is no pavement so precarious when cars come whizzing up and down - plus no way can I cope with walking up or down it!
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