Parking garage at the mall

This mall in McAllen, our old town that we are visiting, is probably one of the busiest in the country. A lot of the reason for this is the customers who come from Mexico to shop.  While many malls are dying and closing, this one has grown and continues to thrive and stay busy. There are still a lot of the same stores since we left 9 years ago, and a lot of new ones as well, plus two big new parking garages, which doubled parking space and provides much-needed shade. I got 8000 steps just walking the mall today.  Another good thing about this mall is that the stores have a large inventory and you are more likely to find what you want here. I really miss it, and it was nice to visit. 

On the other hand, I am exhausted from the heat (over 100) and all the activity and visiting. Though we've had a great visit, we'll be glad to get back home tomorrow. 

Extras are more exterior and interior shots. 

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