Sunday sun

A morning of jobs, then coffee when Jon and Henry got back from archery.

After lunch, Mollie and I took ourselves to the beach, with our books. It was cool, and got gradually more windy, but there were plenty of people in the sea. We read our books for a while, had a cup of tea and a cake, and headed home at just after 4.

Henry and I then went to the allotment where I was hoping he would be able to get my mower working. He managed to for a bit, and cut about half of the very long grass. But it cut out, and eventually even Henry couldn't get it working, so we had to accept it had given as much as it was going to give for today. So Henry went back home, and I stayed to pick more blackberries and try to dig up a few potatoes. Bessie was free range, and I left her to explore!

Back home I made a dinner which included lots of home grown veg and herbs, including my own garlic. It was tasty.

Used some of the blackberries to make blackberry gin and blackberry vodka. They will be ready by Christmas - if I'm not tempted to try before then!

A few birthdays in the family this week, so I need to sort out cards now, and then it's bed for me.

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