
By photoLyle

DDW June Challenge: Interesting

What a glorious day! Wall to wall sunshine. Lovely.

Spent most of it relaxing in the garden with the new Dan Brown book, Inferno. Not exactly challenging on the mind but a decent sunshine read. A lot of the background to Dante, and the early histories of Florence and Venice is pretty interesting. But you can tell it was written with a movie in mind.

Went out with the camera for a while once I could be bothered moving it had cooled down, to find some 'interesting' shots for today's challenge. I failed miserably. But I think I spent too much time looking for a shot that I thought might be of interest to other people, and not necessarily to me.

But who's to say what is interesting? What I find interesting may not be of interest to the next person and vice versa.

So, In this blip, I found the way the light was falling on the garden bench when I got home again made for and interesting shot!

Hope the sun is shining where you are too!

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