
When I woke this morning I saw that, as expected, Spikbebis75 hadn't spend the night making up the deficit in our Turf league, so I was sure to be promoted. 

After I'd collected Django from the mate who was looking after him, I took him out on a walk out to Roslin, as is my habit at the end of a Turf round. The modification to the traditional accompanying photo is the use of the ultra wide-angle on my new phone.

My knee was quite sore, so I didn't run as much as I'd hoped. It's nothing serious - just some bruising as a result of falling (slowly) off the hire bike in Hamburg.

Back home, I shopped for groceries and had a good lunch. After that, I did my expenses, and edited down the photos from my trip. Now to update my diary and start compiling the slides for a talk (in Edinburgh!) a week on Tuesday.

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