Red Ensign

Another busy day.

I went back to Witney this morning and took the plunge and ordered some new glasses. You know when you are thinking of buying something and the sales assistant tells you it's so good, in fact they bought one themselves. Well the optician really did have exactly the same frames that I had chosen. Just don't ask about the cost, varifocals ....

For my blip, well last week I was looking for a sundial and today I found one. It was sunny but it still didn't seem to be working all that well. Luckily there was a clock next to it to confirm it was coming up to one o'clock. I wasn't sure about the significance of the Red Ensign, but I looked it up and apparently tomorrow is Merchant Navy Day.

In the afternoon I suggested we walk towards Farmington to see if the sunflowers that I blipped last year were there again. They weren't. I was surprised that mrsfb was agreeable to walk on to Farmington, and then return back to Northleach across the fields. Half an hour later, when we were a bit lost, she was heard to say 'I never signed up to this!' A couple of girls were walking the same way and were also a bit lost. We made the mistake of following them and ended up even more confused, in a very steep field. We managed to navigate our way back to the path I was looking for though.

As we were walking I was following the Pompey score. After 20 minutes they were one nil down and I was all for sacking the manager.  They recovered though and won 3-1. My optimism is returning.

And I nearly got a photo of a Spitfire which flew over us, twice.

One year ago:
Bee And ?
I nearly got a photo of a wasp eating a blackberry today. Nearly.
Lots of nearlies today.

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