Friends - for now!

Friends - for now

It was late before the children settled down and put their books away. Mr C and I were up as usual around 7 but they didn’t surface till 9.

They had a read of the Guardian at breakfast then we all went to Cragside by which time Ella was annoying Nathaniel. I left her and Mr C at the playground and Nathaniel and I headed for the Trim Trail. He told me all sort of facts about footballers which were in his new book. He seemed fascinated by the ones who had had a tough childhood and then succeeded. I had to time him on the various circuits then Ella joined us and I took the blip.

After lunch we dropped them off at home, Mr C went to Lidl and I had my Saks appointment with Nicky and hair with Adam.

Next stop was Whitley Bay to see #2 daughter and family. They disembarked this morning from the ferry and had really enjoyed their holiday. James was showing us tricks on his skateboard then he and Thomas played with their €5 badminton set. Thomas had spent some of his holiday money on a bit of the Berlin Wall. James got a GDR coin. We’ve promised to collect some for him if we reach any countries outwith the EU. Daughter says food and wine are a lot cheaper in Germany so we don’t need to take much food. James pointed out a spider making a web in the bush behind me. That should have been the blip

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