The village has been invaded... scarecrows today...

I didn't know which one of these to take home ;) 

It's the inaugural Ingbirchworth Scarecrow Trail today, jointly organised by The Fountain Inn and Ingfield Farm Caravan & Campsite - proceeds to charity. I chose a great day to be hosting Silly Saturday ;))

Extras show a couple of scarecrows who were helping out with jobs around the village today - one keeping the traffic speed down to 40mph, and one cutting the grass at the Sandbeds. The other couple are just chillin'...

Thanks to those of you who shared a silly blip on September’s ( hosted ) Silly Saturday – I’m sure Admirer would have been happy to see them all and have a chuckle!
I’ll post my silly hearts with my blip on Tuesday or Wednesday - tags SilSSep 2023 and/or SilS361 if anyone still needs them ;)

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