Welcome to Porty

Claudia Zieske, in the middle in the white tee-shirt, has walked down the east coast of Scotland from Dunnet Head and today reached Portobello as part of this year's Art Walk Porty.
From the curated programme:- "Claudia Zeiske’s Slow Coast 500 is a long-distance walk from Dunnet Head to Berwick-upon-Tweed along the entire coast of the North Sea in Scotland. The project borrows its name from the North Coast 500 route designed to attract tourists to drive around northern Scotland. Slow Cost 500 considers the role of tourism in making (or breaking) places. Often intended as a boost to local economies, tourism can contribute to problems for local communities and their environment. 
Throughout the walk, Zeiske plans to use existing routes and explore new ones. Along the way, she is carrying an orange tablecloth the colour of an OS ‘Explorer’ map, using it as a picnic blanket to encourage conversation. Step by step and stitch by stitch, Zeiske is embroidering it along the long way to the Scottish-English border, questioning the role and impacts of tourism today. Zeiske is also sending a daily postcard home to Art Walk Projects in Portobello."

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