Ground control to Major Tom.

Took this blip on another taxi run to the airport for my son at 
05.35 this morning and just getting around to posting it !
Had a bit of a day since then…
Had an appointment with my doc and now got blood tests and chest X-ray booked. Feeling fine but a bit chesty recently so better to get things checked. Love the NHS but getting a doctors appointment is like winning the lottery.
Next out to cut the grass a job - tick.
Good lady said the washing machine was playing up, had a check out to see the problem but the electric’s were goosed so think a new one is on the cards ! Possible tick.
Gas boiler serviced today as well - tick
Chimney sweep organised for next week - tick.
So enjoyed a nice home cooked meal and a couple of drinks and watched “Empire of Light” with Olivia Colman.
So the day had a good ending.
Have a great weekend folks and stay healthy and keep smiling.

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