Not much of an assistance dog

Well yesterday was a long day, not helped by leaving my phone on charge in the car when the Head Gardener dropped me off.
I was in the theatre for a little over an hour half, while they tried various sized probs to get where they wanted to image. At times there was one applied pressure on the entry site while another hauled the probe out and sent in the next diameter in. I think they got what was required. 
Then recovery started, the entry wound is covered by an inflated compression pad with an observation window so any bleed is easily spotted. This is reduced in pressure on a set timescale, by this time the effects of the pressure and the number of entries was spreading from my wrist to my shoulder. I was very happy to get discharged, the staff were brilliant very attentive and caring.
I managed a good nights sleep and the wounds have not leaked and pain is all but gone. The Head Gardener is in charge of what I can and cannot do! A rubbish picture of Fern being a buddy dog, which after a few pats sinks to the floor out of reach. Have given you trying to typing left-handed. 
Take care one and all.

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