A day at Gruinard Bay

We made three outings today.

The first was to sit and sunbathe on the beach directly below our cottage. Mr hazelh studied Gaelic while I read. I'm working my way through Royal friendships about the exiled House of Orléans in the nineteenth century. The author is my friend Odile Hughson. It's an interesting book, but you really need to concentrate hard to keep track of the chronology, and of all the kings, queens, princes, princesses, dukes, duchesses and everyone associated with them.

After lunch back at the cottage we changed into our bathing costumes and paddling shoes for an expedition to the tombolo of eilean fraoch mhòr at the far side of the bay (blipped). This is only accessible at low tide.

Expedition number 3 was a return to the beach to resume the morning activities. Just before we came in again, I persuaded the pool lizard to perform (extra).

The sun is setting as I type up my blip. I have included as a second extra the view from the window (and not from outside because I'd be eaten alive by the midges if I opened the front door!)

The mini north west Scotland heatwave is due to last until Sunday. So instead of heading directly home at the end of our week here at the cottage, we will play on another beach tomorrow then stay overnight at the Ceilidh Place in Ullapool.

I lost tonight's game of Azul.

Exercise today: small amount of walking (9,105 steps).

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