When is an eb not an eb?

When it's Missy!

Realised I'd taken no pictures today (see below) so grabbed a quick shot of Missy in the evening light. As Missy is one of my mostest favouritest things she simply can't be an eb. Maybe an ESB... Extra Special Blip.

A random "can I borrow your electric pole saw?" to Nice Neighbour today led, with surprising haste, to the beginning of Project Let's Deal With the Hall's Trees that Massively Overhang Our Houses...
5 hours later one tree taken down to a stump and two huge leaning branches removed, but also a lot of preparation for the next attempt. A combination of chainsaw, ladder, ropework and climbing skills. Probably a couple of months worth of firewood each (the hall don't want it).

Lots of tasks avoided, but fun had. Sometimes you have to let the monkey win. 

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