A good delivery - bowl a maiden over

Another image from yesterday.

It needs careful observation of the image to see the connection with the title.

After a long day in London we hoped to have a lie in this morning. 05:30 arrived and we were woken up by a fire engine with flashing lights opposite our house. Did not find out today why it was there but it could have been due to an early breakfast round of toast setting the smoke detector off in a neighbours house.

For those of you living relatively close to Stratford upon Avon there is a great photo opportunity on 17th September - a Ploughing competition at Edstone Farm B95 6DL. Horse ploughing and vintage tractors. Tried to set this up as a Blipmeet but the computer said no so will try again tomorrow.

Bowls tomorrow in Kineton and then Mrs C and I head north for a few days break.

Have a good weekend

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