
Well it's been a busy week for us all. I'm knackered as much as the wildlings.  

If you look at my extra photo I was prepared for work this morning.  I thought it would be a good distraction tool. Well it didn't quite work for my student but another one loved chewing on them. My hands obviously taste better.  

We all had a good morning.  We took the students to a local cafe , they get to choose what snack they want and what it's like to do normal everyday activities.  Probably something that we take for granted. And then we went on a long walk back to school.  

Xander was excited when he got home as he got to choose something from the prize box at school.  He is setting in Well in the bigger class. It's a big transition for him. 
The smaller wildlings had a good day too. 

The jedi has been sitting in the garden filling this tube with stones for the last 20 minutes.  

we will all be leaving soon to walk to their dads work. He's not on his bike now since its term time and he needs the car. 

Have a good weekend 

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