
By Transitoire

Rhume des foins


Carefully planned day was interrupted by many things going wrong:-
- Jen had such bad hayfever she told me she couldn't work - cue a trip to the pharmacy, taken by a very worried Smith Grandfather (god bless him for doing that for us!)
- The water on the van we were going to clean was disconnected, with no adapter to reconnect it
- Problem with the gas in one of the customer's vans created the need for a gas change
- Broken curtain rail in a different van
- Problem with the gas in the new van we attempted to montage meant two new gas changes and a lot of fiddling with the boiler and the hob, attempting to light the two.

Gave up the idea of two montages as a bad idea, my aim is to do two tomorrow instead. Plus, it was so hot today that working in the afternoon was nigh on impossible. I haven't complained about the rain (mainly because there has not actually been much at all!) so I'm allowed to complain that it is too hot to work I think! Our afternoon was spent playing with the Smith children in the pool, two three year olds and a four year old. They are so adorable, although I was terrified that I would drop one when coming off the slide and they would go underwater! Luckily that didn't happen, and a lovely time was had by all! One of the mothers of one of the little girls told me that she had never seen her so confident in the water, and so comfortable not being next to her mum or dad which made me pretty happy. Will be sad to see them go when they do tomorrow.

Talking of people leaving, today we said goodbye to another family, one who had been with us for two weeks. Lovely set of people, and am sad to see them go too. Had another night drinking with the Smith family before returning to bed, ready to start bright and early tomorrow.

A ray of light appears?

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