Rredcurrant Harvest (and a few other things too)

Another day in the garden, harvesting more potatoes, blackberries, blackcurrants, redcurrants and wild plums. The first round was to provide me with breakfast and went quickly. I only needed small quantities and there was no need for potatoes.
Later in the day the buckets and garden fork came out and another two rows of potatoes were dug up. They are now all in the earth cellar. Then the blackberries were picked and frozen on trays, then poured into a suitable freezer box. That way they freeze as individual berries and can be easily be pulled out of the freezer, a few at a time. 
Then it was onto the redcurrants. I'm afraid the redcurrant bush has been sadly neglected and they are growing among very long grass, some stinging nettles, and shoots of the wild plum tree. I cut the meter high plum tree shoots down, ripped up the grass, and then picked the pictured berries from about a third of the bush. I avoided the section with nettles - perhaps tomorrow! This harvest is now spread out on an oven tray in the freezer. It'll go into boxes tomorrow, and then the harvest will hopefully continue, weather allowing.

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