POG's Journal



Hello Everyone,

I clocked up my longest ride this year yesterday… and I did a little bit on the turbos this morning. It is quite nice to have tired legs which may sound a little crazy but physical tiredness is much nicer than mental tiredness, which I do suffer from as my brain is always in overdrive.  

Today I have decided that I will close the workshop down in the next 6 months as I cannot see how I can dedicate the time to training and resting and make the workshop earn its keep. I will sell some of the machines and keep a few, which I can have in my garage if I sell my old Daimler pillarless couple.

With a few machines at home, I can tinker away and keep the YouTube channel moving forward, it will be a lot easier to do so as I can just pop out to the garage when I have a second rather than drive to the workshop.

I have the dentist tomorrow which is lucky as I broke a filling on Monday. 
As it is a checkup appointment, I am not sure he will fix it tomorrow but once I know when it is going to be fixed, I will book up a trip to London to have a wonder round. I think I will spend the day (if that is possible) in Shepherds Market. We had lunch there last week and I thought it would be a nice place to explore.

Nothing much else is going on.

Stay happy, strong, and healthy.


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