
Not the moon.
After editing choir photos for most of the day I gave myself a break and headed into the city to photograph the supermoon.
As you can see, I was unsuccessful.
I read somewhere that Observatory Hill would be a great spot to view it, but I was sold a pup.
When I arrived there were plenty of people (1st extra) and tripods, so I hung around, but by the time the moon cleared the trees it was no longer super.
I took a few photos I liked, including my favourite bridge (2nd extra) and the penthouse of the Sirius building.
The Sirius building has magnificent harbour views and was designed for public housing. Of course, that was never going to remain, given the crazy prices for Sydney real estate, so the tenants were booted out and the building was sold for $20m, a stupidly small price. 
Soon to be sold as 76 'boutique' apartments'.
Anyhoo, I toured the building a few years ago, not long before it was sold and photographed the last remaining resident, 91yo Myra.
If this is of any interest I put up a set on flickr.

So, no moon, but a pleasant walk around The Rocks.
Could have been worse:)

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