horns of wilmington's cow

By anth

Webbes aye, webbes naw

Up early enough, and feeling rested and relaxed enough, to have time for a wee wander post-pig feeding, post-breakfast, post-reading-the-new, pre-shower, pre-work, for a wander in the dew-laden, slightly-chilled morning.

The Brown Hares are becoming more visible again, though flighty; the young Roe Deer still too wee to flee over the higher fences, but learning, just about, where the gaps are. The nights are beyond darkening at 9, and the geese seem to be gathering in anticipation. Impending autumn at home still carries more joy than the thought of being in the office tomorrow.

Second day in a row with a badger sketch extra - something more stylised today after the cartoon of yesterday. This style is something I've started using for cat portraits for people at work (four of them so far), but I thought I'd see if it translated to other wildlife. I've got a 'Headshots' series in mind, and while Badgers may well become a side-obsession, especially if the local setts give me any sightings, I'm hunting my photos for the right Brown Hare to render next.

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