
A slightly boring addition to the 'Pub Toilet Art series but I kinda liked it. It's also the only photo I took today.

Work was a series of meetings, mostly about two different projects, all of which I needed to concentrate in, interspersed with a couple of domestic things that need arranging.

Himself and I went to meet (where the toilet art came from)  his brother to talk through the next steps in the MiL Plan. I think we're on stage 2(a). Maybe.

Separately, my brother called me last night. His FiL (my FiL once removed?), who's been unwell for a couple of years, has taken a serious turn for the worst and has been in hospital for the last week. The prognosis isn't confirmed but isn't good. I've known R since I was about 22 and while we've never been close i do see him as part of my extended family. It's very sad all round, especially for his wife, his two daughters and my bro, and his grandchildren, my nephew and niece.

The box of chocolates (Forest Gump refers to) feels a bit empty at the moment.

I can't not say congratulations to MoFW. I knew you'd be amazing. X

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