Battered haggis for breakfast & pizza for lunch?!

Guess what I had for breakfast today?.................. Battered haggis. OMG! You have no idea how yummy battered haggis is.

There I was.................... trotting around on my morning walk when I spotted two massive bits of battered haggis, just lying on the pavement waiting to be gobbled up. I couldn't fit both bits in my mouth so I just had to put one bit in my mouth.

Ann was a bit angry with me. She said, 'Trixie, give me that battered haggis right now. That is not a suitable breakfast for you.' I clenched my teeth round it really tightly because I was pretty sure that it would be a suitable breakfast for me.

I carried it all the way home and when I got back into the house I lay on the living room floor and gobbled it all up very, very, quickly before Ann had a chance to get it off me.

I didn't get any breakfast this morning because Ann said that eating a whole battered haggis would turn me into a fat overweight little Collie pup.

This afternoon we walked all the way to Portobello to meet our friend, Iain. The route we took today was more than 6 miles and I found a huge bit of pizza just lying on the pavement. Because Ann hadn't given me any breakfast I had to gobble that up really quickly for my lunch.

Home now and I got some of my normal 'turkey & rice' food for my dinner. Gobbled it all up and I'm in bed snoozing now.

…........................And Ann's hoping to see the 'Blue Moon' tonight, but the sky is looking a bit cloudy so don't think she's going to be seeing anything. Booohoo!!!

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