
Phoned the Dr first thing and managed to get a phone appointment booked, which along with an impending parcel delivery kept me confined to barracks this morning. I did get a few chores done. Dr phoned before lunch and she’s changed the extra 2.5mg pill for my BP to an alternate type, this will hopefully lessen the side effects and get my BP down to normal…fingers crossed!

A trip to the surgery this afternoon to have bloods done and pick up the new prescription after which I headed to the garden centre and bought some bulbs, alpines and violas. Arrived home to find my parcel had been taken back to the depot, hopefully they’ll deliver tomorrow whilst I’m at home. A walk along the prom, a nap and a very late tea…hence the late blip.

Good news for eldest, their hose purchase will complete on Friday to include the outbuildings which were subject to debate. Not so good news from MC as he’s not well with a possible reoccurrence of kidney stones!

My tree was found in the main car park over in Berwick, I had to stand under it so as not to get overhead cables in the shot.

Thanks to BobsBlips for hosting Wide Wednesday.

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