
By Marionb

More New Books... the queue.... Amazon delivered "Ultra-Processed People" while I was away so it was waiting for me when I got home today..It was recommended by a friend; I am not sure if I will like it or not - but it looks like one I should read!  

"The Wind Knows My Name" was on a list of recommended books written by women and translated into English that I found online.  I took down the list and this is one that I thought would be interesting..and quel surpris, the Bearly Used Book Store near our cottage actually had it! What a find!  

Today was a Travel Day so was taken up by going-home chores like cleaning the cottage, packing, loading the boat, going to town, unloading the boat, loading the car, driving, unloading the car and at last...unpacking! Tomorrow? Laundry, gardening, shopping and a dental appointment...Fun, wow.

Meanwhile, Maggie and I spent some time getting re-acquainted..Lots of petting, combing and treats...Time will tell if I am forgiven for this latest far, I am not sure!  

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