Maybe today

By Feather

Cathedral of San Giorgio

On our way to Agrigento we stopped for a few hours in Rugusa.
A town of two halves Upper and lower , rebuilt after the 1693 earthquake, and now a  UNESCO world heritage site. We had a very quick photo stop in the high town before spending time in the low town Ragusa Ibla.
Probably not as much to see as I had anticipated but the churches and this Cathedral are impressive in the Sicilian Baroque style.
The drive to Agrigento takes about 2.45hrs ..we both were surprised ( and disappointed) by the amount of abandoned buildings, some old but some quite new….and unfortunately the huge amounts of litter, rubble, detritus strewn everywhere.
Another surprise was the vast acreage covered in poly tunnels. Apparently to grow salad vegetables in cooler months. 

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