Red Admiral on Cosmos

Thanks so much for all the messages of good luck relating to today’s hospital appointments. I’m afraid much of this entry relates to my experiences, so please feel free to look away …..

The day begins with an early morning drive to Liverpool’s Broadgreen Hospital for my dermatology appointment. There’s a fairly long wait, but as usual, my appointment is unhurried with no sense of rushing when I see my consultant. The good news is she thinks there’s been a slight improvement which suggests the treatment may be working, though the catheter is causing other issues that need medication. 

Then it’s back to North Wales and my early afternoon Urology appointment in my local hospital. I’ve pinned so much hope on this to clarify my situation and map a way forward, but I’m sadly disappointed.  The consultant is apologetic, but, apparently, there is nothing that can be done. I just have to continue with the catheter until my underlying condition is cured. The symptoms that I’m suffering are unpleasant but not unusual - basically, I just have to learn to live with it. 

Of course, I’m oversimplifying both the conversation and the situation. Blip isn’t the place to go into all the medical details. Suffice to say, I’m both frustrated and upset, end up an emotion mess and spend some time with the lovely nurse who has sat with us - G’s been with me in this consultation. She suggests I look at antidepressants to help me cope both with the pain and with my mood - and while I’ve always rejected these previously, I really think I need some help.

I don’t know whether the lack of monitoring or analysis is typical of urology, whether this is the ‘right’ way to treat my situation - as it may well be - or whether this is symptomatic of a hospital department very clearly desperately understaffed. Tomorrow I will contact my lead consultant in Liverpool and seek her views. 

Meanwhile, the weather has lifted from the depressing grey skies and drizzle of Liverpool to bright sunshine, so back home it’s a case of retreating to the sanctity of the garden and some flower photography. And I’m delighted to spot a rare visitor on a cosmos - yes a plain white cosmos, but it matters not. My blip, at least, is sorted. 

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