Lost in Melbourne

By MaxwellDoan

I didn't mean to

We broke up today
Officially broke up this time
I don’t know if this was a good decision but I know that it’s the right one as right now we have different goals, we have different needs, we were going separate ways already but if one day we meet again and if I feel like I’m a better person for you, a match made in heaven you might say, I’d chase after you no matter what, just like I did before. 
I’m sorry I made you cry I didn’t mean to say that we’re toxic it’s just that right now we both have too much to handle and having a relationship that’s hard for the both of us to sustain, is going break me before it breaks you, and if it breaks me then the damage is out of my control and I can’t let that happen again.
I’m sorry for being loud, sorry for being rude, sorry for being the one you didn’t want but I promise
I’ll be better 
I’ll be better the next time you see me
I’ll be the best for you
And hopefully, you’ll be the best for me too

I love you
Too much for me to even comprehend
Too much for me to trap you in this relationship with me right now
Was breaking up the right thing to do?
If we got back together today, could we be better in the future?
fuck fuck fuck fuck

fuck it có duyên thì gặp lại anh sẽ tìm em
k có duyên thì anh sẽ tự tạo duyên để tìm về với em
ksao anh sẽ luôn là miu mà
tự biết tìm đường về thôi
vì em là nhà mà
(12:39 29/8/2023 4 hours after we broke up)

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