Wetter, yet Otter...

Despite the craggy low cloud and drizzle we took ourselves off to Newark Park for a wander through the woods. It is a delight to walk through woodland where there are still massive trees, some with trunks metres in girth. Nothing beats a woodland walk.

A display of sculpture works was being set up in the gardens adjacent the house, and this otter caught my eye. Catching the peacock's eyes was a bronze kestrel - they couldn't quite work it out - but I'm afraid the light was too poor for a good shot.

Given the low light I've processed them accordingly. No point pushing the exposure to present washed out colours.

Back in the unreal world it appears the coke-head in charge of levelling us down to the lowest common denominator is trying to get rid of more EU legislation - this time legislation that seeks to protect our rivers from pollution. Not that they're very protected already, but hey... profit.

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