Cumple de Claire!

Asha seems much improved today, thankfully...and Nate seems ok too! Hooray! Danny was teaching all morning whilst we 3 did birthday prep things for Claire. We were meant to go to The Tree for a picnic, but Asha felt nervous being so far from a bathroom, understandably, so we stayed in town to celebrate instead. I spent the morning decorating the cake with strawberries and flowers, the kids prepped gifts...Nate insisted he buy Claire a red rose. I bumped into the daughter of an elderly friend. The friend is English, 86, and has lived here since she was 22. She married an Ibicenco and had 4 children here. Her body and mind are now failing. It's been so interesting listening to her stories of life here way back when, how her family felt she'd moved half way across the world (because she had then, in a way!). It was good to see her daughter, Mercedes, and hear an update and see how she herself was too. We had a long time on the street.

We met up with Claire which was lovely. After Danny had done the prison visiting I went back out to see Claire and another couple of friends. I had a good phone call with Sole on the walk there. She's going through an extremely tough time, I felt touched she called. 

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Celebrating with Claire and the cake turning out well!
2) The kids feeling healthier.
3) Listening to Paul's talk on Genesis 10 first thing this morning. 

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