The Deepest Station

I walked and walked today. Exploring Belleville and its two parks. Tracking down a recommended patisserie which was indeed magnificent, complete with painted ceilings - see extra. You don't get those in Greggs.

Back to the hotel for a sandwich and then out to walk to Montmartre. I had been recommended a historic restaurant with an unchanged vintage interior. Bouillon Chartier is best visited for the experience. The least said about the food the better. You have to queue but I got there early so went straight in. 

After that I needed an ice cream so worked my way, via a peak inside Gallery Lafayette, towards Montmartre. I wanted to see Abbesses station so I approached it on the train. Second extra. Nobody told me that it is the deepest station on the network. Al those steps. Phew. 

But the climb up the stairs was rewarded by the beautiful art nouveau station at the top. After a walk round the touristy Place du Tertre I descended and waited for the lights to come on. Bingo! at 9 pm the lamps sprang to life and I got a shot.

Home tomorrow.

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