Laura an Eve in da Gairden

A fairly calm day, light showers at times.  A brighter evening with sunny spells.  A lot cooler this morning. 

Up at 5am, early shift in the airport.  All was going good and on time, then disaster struck.  By 1030am, NATS had a nationwide radar outage, causes all sorts of problems throughout the UK, mainly the large airports.  We only suffered a few minor delays, but BA cancelled onward connections.  Hopefully be fixed by the morning, if not, brother Jonny might have a busy day in the tower.  Someone phoned in sick at the shop, so I had to cancel plans to have my sister Julie and niece Lottie over for dinner.  They did pop in to see me with mam.  A quiet night in the shop.  Early to bed. 

On my way home, I swung by Laura's for a quick cuppa.  Great to catchup with Eve again.  She sure is a miss when she's away, and due to our car breaking down on holiday, I never managed to get to Glasgow.  Laura, Eve and a very happy Olly in Laura's garden, Blett Road, Cunningsburgh.  

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