Getting Up Close

I can't recall a time when I peered so closely at the male anatomy as I have been doing with this rather challenging jigsaw of the Sistine Chapel, my blip being a small section of it.  I have got my puzzle solving head around it over the last few days and can now recognise the general area in which a piece of architecture may fit or which figure a disjointed foot may belong to.  It is rather forensic but it has made me want to google an explanation of who everyone is, although friend Angela reckons she can tell me.  Impressed, Angela!

A quiet, late start to the day: a bit of washing put in when the panels got going; some tomatoes processed in to soup; neighbours' cat fed and chatted to; a few more pieces of jigsaw put in; a walk with Angela in the afternoon; a few more pieces and then chicken pie prepared for dinner.

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