
By katgirl

Timber Lake

Life has been really hectic for the last 6 weeks. Today was the 1st day of our tag sale. Bob was quite ill behaved during the sale and I am incredibly grateful to James' parents for taking care of Bob for the 3rd day this week. The sale continues tomorrow and my Mom is stepping up to the plate to give Bob another day of fun. Hopefully we'll make some money on our junk!

This evening, Bob and I decided to take a walk to our neighborhood lake. As Bob was getting too close the water, I admonished him, "Don't get too close." As soon as the words were out of my mouth, he decided to lean on a tree branch to get a better look at the water. The branch broke and Bob landed face first in the water. I threw down my camera and phone and leaped to his rescue. Although he has been taking swim lessons for a year, he was so scared that he didn't think to use those skills. He was in the water for only a few seconds before I pulled him out of the water. Afterwards, he wailed for about 5 minutes. He was perfectly fine (other than being wet), but he was really frightened and begged to go home. I stripped him down to his monkey underwear and we started toward the gate when he spied toys on the beach. Now that his fright had passed, he had a blast at the lake and we spent another hour there until it became dark.

Here is a link to one of my other favorite pictures this evening. I was too spent to make a real dinner. I was too spent to even argue when Bob asked for ice cream with sprinkles. I like this picture because it shows a tired Bob enjoying more sprinkles than ice cream. The painting behind him was from a photograph of Bob when he was about 4 months old. Bob's Godparents gave this to him at his Christening.

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