
By rachelbruce

The lengths we go to

to get to work and back and to take a blip.

I took loads of pictures today ( now a few days ago ) of the throngs of people crossing Waterloo bridge on foot, bike, bus or car. It was the tube strike. To someone that doesn't know this stretch it won't look so odd. It was far, far busier than it is normally. The 'rush hour' lasted for about 3 or so hours at the end of the day.

Some colleagues of mine got up at 4.30am to make it in to the office by 7 am so they missed the crowds on buses.

This photo was taken from the office window, I had to squeeze myself out, eventually I got the top half of my body out the window. My back felt well twisted afterwards.

Two others on flickr that give more of a flavour of the crowds.

Bus stop.

Bike convoy.

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