Sunday trip out!
# Flowers in the porch as you entered chuch.
# Going through Walingham (1&2)
# Lane leading to Westerham in KENT
# Westerham Village
# Lane leading to Chartwell ( Churchill & families house)
# On our return journey home.
We had a nice quiet afternoon with a great country view where we had our coffee & sandwich. Also I read my book " A" read his paper. Then "A" went for a longish walkin the NT grounds. I just pottered etc. On "A's" retun we went to the cafe for a cup of tea. It rained for a while earlier when the café was full ( for shelter I guess!) But it was quiet when we had our cuppa.
Then retail therapy got the better of me ! I bought a neck cushion, I must say I needed a replacement, as the one I have is from the 70's , shame as my husband got it for me on my diagnosis of spondylitis! (Many more things have been added since then ?)
Then I cooked a roast chicken dinner & trimmings with plum crumble & custard
We have just watched the recording of the F1. Still have the last bit to see ' cos bbc1 had a new serial we want to see, don't know whether it's any good but we'll give it a go!!
We had a lovely service this a.m.with great hymns & an enjoyable sermon.
Hope your Sunday has been a good one & you managed to keep dry ? Bank Holiday weather indeed though ?? Ha ha.
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