Rugby's Back

We stayed overnight at Granny's.  CyclopsJnr woke his parents at 6am as his travel alarm was still on Corfu time so he thought it was 8am.  He was eventually persuaded to go back to bed...

CyclopsJnr was delighted to pick a few apples from Granny's tree then head back early for rugby training.  The weather didn't look promising, but it stayed dry.  CyclopsJnr had fun, and was delighted to welcome quite a few new kids to the group.  

After rugby we went home for toasties for lunch, the did some work in the garden tidying up some overgrown bits, weeding, and picking out stones.  Then we popped out the the garden centre for some new plants which CyclopsJnr very much enjoyed putting in the ground.

We played a couple of games of Crash Team racing then Cyclops and CyclopsJnr had dinner together as MrsCyclops was out.  He requested Bacon and Leek Pasta "with an extra vegetable please" so we added some sweetcorn.

After all that he was worn out and ready for bed.

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