Mother Shipton

By MotherShipton

Moon scape

A couple more days working at the quarry. It makes a change that the sun is shining.

This time I am working in the primary area, this means where the stone is quarried, loaded onto giant dumpers and tipped down the glory hole. It is roughly crushed and appears at the bottom of the mountain via a conveyor system ready to be graded and loaded straight onto the boat. The glory hole is located in the large shed that you can see on the skyline top left. The shed used to be at the bottom of the quarry.

The primary area is high up, well over 1000ft. It used to be higher but we are talking large scale quarry here and you can see in this shot all the levels that have been removed over the last couple of decades. I am taking this photo from a level that would have been ground level around about 20 yrs ago.

This quarry is an exceptional place and I don't think there is another like it. First it is huge. To get some scale look large and look for the double wheel base landrover centre left in the shot. I think it is over 1/2 mile across the basin. Second look at the view, that is the isle of Lismore and Loch Linnhe beyond. It is a great place in the summer and vicious in the winter.

I hope you enjoy this little insight into my world

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