Moar Balloon

Continuing with the never ending feeling riddling of the slate out of the corner of the garden.  Got around half of the remaining soil done before heading to Strathaven with P to drop himi off in case of high traffic for the balloon festival. 

Luckily, we found a space in the usual car park and I went to get milk and ice cream from Lethame Farm and have a wander around the festival whilst P was busy.  Was tempted by the veggie tacos at the festival until I saw they were £10.  Got to the farm to find that it was the muster point for a tractor rally and the queues were stupidly long, so I filled up my pink milk and got on me way.  Popped back to see if there were any balloons up on the way back and this one was just deflating which sorted my blip.

Really fancied an apple pie so went to Tescos and bought one, and was dismayed to see it was one of those that needed I'm sulky because I wanted the pie now.

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