A little calm

After yesterday’s drama, we did manage a couple of hours calm in the greenery of the RHS. This is the new music pavilion in the Chinese streamside garden.

Extremely frustrated with the discharge process. Just after 9am J’s brother offered to go and pick him up and transfer him back to the other unit. I was very clearly told that hospital transport was arranged and so stood P down. It then took until 3:30pm for J to make the ~ 20 mins journey. Dressed in a hospital gown, soaking continence pants, and having eaten and drunk “not much”. Was it any surprise that he was very confused? Clean, dressed, two cups of tea and a butty later he was much brighter.

It’ll wait until after I have slept tonight but the hospital will be hearing my opinion about their complete lack of care for a vulnerable patient.

Thanks for everyone’s support yesterday

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