Brotherly love.

We are just literally through the front door from a 8 mile bike ride. Harp managed to cycle about 6 and Carson around 5 on his balance bike. In-between I had them both and their bikes in the bike trailer.  At least I got a workout. We had a tray bake stop and coffee halfway through the cycle. I'm now making spag bol for family dinner. It's a late one and I need to have them all bathed after so they go to school clean tomorrow. I've done 62 miles on the bike this week and it will start all over again tomorrow.  

The jedi has a cold and his nose has been running all day. I'm hoping it won't go and make him ill.  Fingers crossed.  

Thinking of Polly H's family today. A woman who will be missed by her blip friends.  A very sad loss. 

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